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10/8 - 10/14, 2018

Sign up here to participate in our DIGITAL WEEK OF ACTION 

from Mon., Oct. 8 through Fri., Oct. 12.   



10/8  DefendDiversity Photoshoot for Affirmative Action!

Monday, October 8, 2018 at 10 AM – 4 PM EDT

Come share your reasons for supporting affirmative action and get your photo taken with our "I support affirmative action because ..." sign (pictured in cover photo) to express your support for affirmative action!

Photos will be taken inside or outside (up to you) of PBHA in the Yard (behind Stoughton). Come inside the building to find us!

The lawsuit against Harvard's race-conscious admissions program will go to trial in one week (10/15)!! We want to show the media that students of all backgrounds support the diversity and sense of belonging that affirmative action promotes on campus.



10/8 Native Americans at Harvard College

Indigenous Peoples' Day

Our annual celebration of culture and resistance. Highlights include Native American performers and speakers, handmade Indian tacos, cultural appreciation, and community building. The event will be held in front of Matthews Hall, where Harvard College’s Indian College once stood.

All identities are welcome!  FB EVENT HERE

10/8 Asian American Women's Association

Affirmative Action Teach-In

Are you confused about the lawsuit regarding Harvard’s ability to consider race as a factor during the admissions process? Do you want to learn more about what holistic processes mean? Are you unsure of how such policies affect Asian Americans? 


If so, please join us at our Affirmative Action 101 event on Monday, October 8th from 6:30-7:30 PM in Ticknor Lounge. We know that there is a lot of information related to and tied with the case and the histories and legacies of affirmative action. We also know that this issue can be extremely divisive. We want to let you know that this is meant to be an event that everyone can find accessible and pertinent, for people of all levels of prior experience! The most important thing is that you feel like you have a space where you can work through your thoughts and questions! We look forward to talking with you there!

Details will be posted via FB

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10/9 Defend Diversity for Students and a Stronger University

Harvard College Democrats Panel + Discussion

As part of the #DefendDiversity Week of Action, the Harvard College Democrats are excited to bring an exciting collection of panelists together for this week's General Meeting. We hope to shed light on the admissions lawsuit filed by anti-civil rights crusader Edward Blum and SFFA. To guide us in this conversation on race, diversity, and affirmative action, we will be joined by speakers including current Harvard undergraduates involved in the lawsuit, the Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and Harvard alumni from the Asian American Resource Workshop as well as the Boston College Lynch School of Education.



10/9 Asian American Activism: A Discussion with Helen Zia

Join us for a conversation with Helen Zia, a renowned, award-winning journalist and political activist for Asian American and LGBTQ rights. Zia has been a prominent community organizer for issues ranging from civil rights and peace to women's rights and countering hate violence and homophobia. Notably, Zia played a crucial role in bringing federal civil rights charges to Vincent Chin’s killing, a watershed in Asian American history. She has also authored Asian American Dreams: The Emergence of an American People, about the contemporary struggles of Asian American communities to be full participants in this American democracy.  

The event will consist of a moderated conversation between Helen Zia and Harvard alum Jeannie Park, followed by a public Q&A. 


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10/11 Defend Diversity Teach-In


Join us for a thought-provoking evening of

* Debunking myths about affirmative action

* Learning more about the SFFA v. Harvard lawsuit

* Exploring ways to support racial equity in education beyond this week!




Solidarity Rally for Opportunity and Equality
Sunday, Oct. 14th, 11:00 a.m.
Harvard Square to Cambridge Commo

Join members of Coalition for a Diverse Harvard, First Generation Harvard Alumni, Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance, Harvard Black Alumni Society, Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance, Harvard University Muslim Alumni, Native American Alumni of Harvard University and a broad coalition of  students, community allies and national civil-rights organizations to support inclusive, race-conscious policies in schools and workplaces that create diversity, address inequities and recognize each of us for the richness of our backgrounds and experiences.


Facebook Event post is here.


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