VOTE By May 14, 2024 for Harvard Overseer Candidates
Endorsed by Coalition for a Diverse Harvard
and 10 Alumni Organizations
With Harvard targeted by conservatives determined to take down DEIJ nationwide, it’s more important than ever to elect University leaders who will defend and expand diversity, equity, inclusion and racial justice. After an exhaustive research and review process, the Coalition for a Diverse Harvard has endorsed five extraordinary Overseer candidates. Trailblazing leaders all, they will fight for Ethnic Studies; for the hiring and promotion of faculty and leaders of color; and for a campus that welcomes and safeguards all students.
Read all the candidates' responses to the Diversity Questionnaire here. The alumni organizations who sponsor the Questionnaire appreciate all the candidates' detailed and thoughtful answers.
We are proud to be joined in our endorsements by these extraordinary organizations:
Coalition for a Diverse Harvard
First Generation Harvard Alumni
Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance
Harvard Gender & Sexuality Caucus
Harvard Progressive Jewish Alumni
Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance
Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance
Harvard Tamil Sangam Alumni
Harvard University Muslim Alumni
Native American Alumni of Harvard University
In ballot order
Theodore D. Chuang, AB ’91, JD ’94
Juan Antonio Sepúlveda Jr., AB ’85*
Modupe Nyikoale Akinola, AB ’96, MBA ’01, AM ’06, PhD ’09*
Danielle A. Feinberg, AB ’96*
Nworah Blaise Ayogu, AB ’10, MD ’15, MBA ’15
*Member of the Coalition for a Diverse Harvard
These candidates have the strongest histories of advocacy and accomplishments on diversity initiatives and are best positioned to help Harvard be a more diverse, inclusive, and just institution.
To reach our endorsements, our Candidate Review Committee spent weeks:
Researching each candidate
Reviewing their Diversity Questionnaire* responses
Reviewing the Overseer candidates’ Harvard Magazine questionnaire responses
Individually interviewing all eight Overseer candidates, and
Reviewing their official ballot bios.
The Committee then met repeatedly to discuss each candidate’s experience advancing racial justice and equity before choosing whom to endorse. Please note that we had to choose from many qualified candidates; we selected the same number of candidates as there are available seats in order to maximize the electoral impact of our endorsement. The Candidate Review Committee of Coalition for a Diverse Harvard found that all the candidates have made stellar contributions to their communities and professions.
Please VOTE online or by mail. To vote online (it's super easy and quick), look for a 4/1 email from Harvard 2024 Elections with the subject "Voting is now open . . . " If you can't find your ballot, check spam. Problems? Email harvard@electionservicescorp.com and copy us (harvardcoalition@gmail.com) with your name, degree, and graduation year. Completed ballots must be received by 5 pm on May 14.
Harvard must, with others, counter national campaigns to reduce educational access and equity; to erase history, studies, and institutions related to race; and to silence expression. On campus, Harvard has far to go on issues including Ethnic Studies; sexual harassment; the doxxing and disciplining of students engaging in protest; faculty tenure and retention; and the 1650 Charter commitments to Native American students. We need solidarity to combat mounting assaults on Harvard’s core values and to insulate the search for a new president from outside pressure. Please VOTE.
With thanks,
Jane, Margaret, Jeannie, Kristin, and Michael
Jane Sujen Bock, Margaret M. Chin, Jeannie Park, Kristin R. Penner, and Michael Williams
Directors, Coalition for a Diverse Harvard
The 2024 Candidate Review Committee
Jane Sujen Bock AB '81, Laura Dumbach AB '84, Kristin R. Penner AB '89, David Van Taylor AB '83, Rachel B. Tiven AB '96, Emily Van Dyke AB '03, MPH '09, Itzel Vasquez-Rodriguez AB '17, Michael Williams AB '81, Rashid Yasin SB '12 (with thanks to Hyeryoung Rhee HGSE MA '22, J.J. Moore AB ‘26, and Rebecca Zhang AB ‘26)
Coalition for a Diverse Harvard
First Generation Harvard Alumni
Harvard Arab Alumni Association
Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance
Harvard Black Alumni Society
Harvard Gender & Sexuality Caucus
Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance
Harvard Progressive Jewish Alumni
Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance
Harvard Tamil Alumni Association
Harvard University Muslim Alumni
Native American Alumni of Harvard University