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2024 Diversity Questionnaire Responses

The Coalition for a Diverse Harvard, along with 11 other Harvard alumni organizations*, has asked each of the 8 Overseer candidates nominated by the Harvard Alumni Association to answer a questionnaire about their views. We are grateful that all the candidates submitted responses.


Please click here to see the Coalition for a Diverse Harvard endorsements for 2024 and here to JOIN THE COALITION.


Click on a name below to view each candidate's response. 



Responses from Candidates for Overseer Nominated by the Harvard Alumni Association (in ballot order)

Tim Ritchie MPA ’98

Theodore D. Chuang AB ’9, JD ’94

Juan Antonio Sepúlveda Jr. AB ’85

Modupe Nyikoale Akinola AB ’96, MBA ’01, AM ’06, PhD ’09

Ming Min Hui MBA ’15

Scott Mead AB ’77

Danielle A. Feinberg AB ’96

Nworah Blaise Ayogu AB ’10, MD ’15, MBA ’15


The voting website will be available from April 1 through 5:00 p.m. (EDT) on May 14, 2024. You may also vote via paper ballot, which will be mailed by April 1. Online voting instructions can be found on your paper ballot and in Harvard 2024 election emails.

Paper ballots must be received by 5:00 pm EDT on May 14th.


Coalition for a Diverse Harvard
First Generation Harvard Alumni
Harvard Arab Alumni Association
Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance
Harvard Black Alumni Society
Harvard Gender & Sexuality Caucus
Harvard Latino Alumni Alliance
Harvard Progressive Jewish Alumni
Harvard South Asian Alumni Alliance
Harvard Tamil Alumni Association
Harvard University Muslim Alumni
Native American Alumni of Harvard University


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